Annual Schedule


AprilSchool entrance ceremony
MayTraffic safety seminar
Tour of Disaster Prevention Center
Regularly-scheduled test
Augustsummer vacationBazaars and Flea Markets
OctoberAutumn holidays
School entrance ceremony
NobemberLife safety seminar
DecemberWinter vacation (holidays)Christmas Speech ContestRegularly-scheduled test
MarchGraduation ceremony
Spring vacation
ExcursionGraduation test
*This is a general sample schedule for a typical year. The schedule of events may vary from year to year.

Overview of Events and Educational Objectives

School entrance ceremony

The entrance ceremony is the first experience for international students in Japan. We congratulate them on entering Japan and becoming a student of a Japanese language school, and wish them the best of luck and always remember to thank their families for giving them the opportunity to learn.

Traffic safety seminar

Most of our students commute to school by bicycle. Since many of them ride bicycles in their daily lives, including part-time jobs, it is very important for them to know and follow traffic rules. Every year, we hold traffic safety classes with the cooperation of the local police department.

Life Safety Class (Crisis Management Class for International Students)

In order to avoid getting into trouble, being a victim of crime, and never being a participant in crime, we offer courses on risk management in life as a life safety class for students studying abroad. The course addresses the dangers in daily life from the three perspectives of (1) protecting your life and health, (2) protecting your money, and (3) protecting your credit. Since it is possible to get into trouble unexpectedly, we provide step-by-step guidance on how to be prepared for emergencies and how to deal with them, according to the progress of your Japanese language studies.


So far, we have taken excursions to Kyoto and USJ. The Osaka and Nara areas are popular, but students often say they want to go to places they cannot usually visit on their own. In Kyoto, the students enjoyed the Arashiyama area while admiring the magnificent architecture of Kinkakuji Temple, Heian Shrine, and the Kyoto Imperial Palace, etc. In USJ, they made full use of the Japanese they learned at the Japanese language school and had fun communicating in Japanese with friends from different countries.

Graduation ceremony

On graduation day, we will bid farewell to our friends and teachers, remembering the fun and difficult days of the past less than two years. The many photos taken will become very important treasures after you go on to higher education or find a job, or even after you return to your own country.