Osaka New Point Japanese Language School

For foreigners who wish to study and work in Japan, Japanese language schools are an important gateway to Japanese society. Human resources from abroad are extremely important to the Japanese economy, which faces a growing labor shortage as the birthrate declines and the population ages. Mastering the Japanese language and laying the foundation for a better job are essential to life and career development in Japan. We value multiculturalism and will do our best to help you quickly adapt to Japanese society through the acquisition of Japanese language skills.

We focus on creating an environment conducive to learning, and provide support in both study and daily life. Along with a well-developed curriculum, we also provide support for your daily life so that you can focus on your studies with peace of mind. In particular, we teach you to be law-abiding, to understand and observe Japanese rules and manners, and to be a truly active member of Japanese society.

Life as a foreign student is certainly difficult, but that is precisely why our Japanese language school provides an environment that is easy to learn and easy to live in, and helps foreign students realize their dreams. Our goal is not only to teach Japanese, but also to develop human resources who can smoothly adapt to life and work in Japan and who possess a multicultural spirit. Let’s take the first step toward a new future together through Japanese language study.

Osaka New Point Japanese Language School Principal Miki Kawabata



We have received numerous inquiries regarding the April 2025 intake at our school. Currently, the number of applications has significantly exceeded the planned admission capacity. As we have been conducting selection exams, the number of successful candidates has already reached the maximum capacity, and therefore, the application process is now closed. If we decide to conduct additional recruitment, we will announce it on our website, so please check for updates.


News Letter

「New Point News Letter」

