About us

School history

  • 2021 Establishment and recruitment begins
  • 2021Introduction suspended due to the new coronavirus
  • Admission of students in April 2022
  • Admission of students in October 2022
  • Admission of students in April 2023
  • Admission of students in April 2024

Principal, President, and Administrative Director


Kawabata Miki


Ube Megumi

Administrative Director

Kyo Mei

Educational Philosophy

The primary goal of the university is to develop human resources who understand Japanese culture and society, and who have acquired knowledge and communication skills as members of society. Through a variety of education centered on the Japanese language, the University will produce international people who can play an active role not only in Japanese society but also in the world, and cultivate the human ability to realize their own dreams.

Three Pillars of Education Policy

  • Passed JLPT N1 level
  • Japanese language skills suitable for higher education
  • Japanese language skills to adapt to Japanese society

The globalization of society and the economy is progressing remarkably, and international exchange and cooperation are becoming more and more necessary. In particular, Japan will host the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, attracting many tourists from neighboring Asian countries and other parts of the world, and Japanese companies are expected to go beyond national borders and promote human exchange and market integration more than ever before. In addition, Japanese companies are expected to go beyond national borders and promote human exchange and market integration more than ever before.

In this environment, it is important for students to acquire not only language skills but also deep and broad knowledge and knowledge at Japanese universities, graduate schools, and vocational schools, to strengthen their communication skills, to experience traditional Japanese culture through daily interactions with Japanese people, and to develop human resources who can tackle international jobs. It is important to develop human resources who can work internationally and experience traditional Japanese culture through daily interactions with Japanese people. In order to achieve this, we would like to develop human resources who can pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test within a limited period of time and who can make full use of their high level of language skills.

In order to nurture such human resources, we will enhance the learning curriculum, secure highly qualified and experienced teachers, develop high-quality classes and teaching materials, and provide opportunities for communication and exchange in multiple languages to deepen mutual understanding. In addition, we will provide safe and comfortable educational facilities and a variety of teaching tools. At the same time, we will support students in their studies and daily lives according to their individual abilities and circumstances.

Educational Goals

Course (Student Visa)

  • 2 Year Course
  • 1 year and 6 month course

Our school has established the “College Preparatory Course”. This course is designed for students who wish to enter universities, graduate schools, and vocational schools. There are two entrance periods: April term (2-year course) and October term (1-year and 6-month course).


初級400時間身の回りの生活に必要なコミュニケーション力を目指し、やや複雑な場面に応じた受信発信(聞く・話す・読む・書く)の練習を通じて、 流暢かつ正確な応用力を養成します。